Business brands are used as the identity of business activities in Indonesia. It helps businesses to be better recognized by consumers.
Currently, many business owners do not register their brands because they believe that there is no need to register a brands. However, with the current developments, there is a concern that the brand will be misused by other parties or that the business that has developed through the brand may be claimed by others. It often happens that another party uses the same mark or type of business as the other owner which causes harm. For example, one party wants to file a lawsuit for the similarity of the other party’s mark with their own, or the type of business is rejected by the authorities because the business mark does not yet have legal protection. This is where the problem generally occurs.
The brand can be registered to obtain legal protection in business activities. Registering the brand for the business, it will further increase confidence in business development in Indonesia and prevent claims from other parties.
We analyze the problems regarding the client’s brand by providing feedback in the form of important things from the brand such as details of the brand in terms of color, shape and related matters. Our goal is that the client’s brand obtains legal protection. In the process of registering a brand, we always provide information on the development of the brand to our clients, until the brand obtains legal protection. Several times, when in the process of filing, there are obstacles that occur, we always communicate with clients and provide solutions to overcome them by making visits to relevant agencies to fight for the client’s business brand.
When clients contact us through social media or meet directly, we try to understand their needs of the client. We provide the results of the client’s analysis until our clients are confident to register their brands. The client’s concern about competition is our main concern to ensure that the brand that will be registered can further facilitate the business.
The information provided here is based on our long experience. The process or requirement may vary depending on the specific facts and conditions. Besides, the law and regulations in Indonesia subject to frequent changes. Please contact us as your consultant to get an up to date information and accurate advice. More Information click here and You can also follow our social media accounts to see the latest information posts. please click on the following links: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter.
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Selling unregistered products in Indonesia is illegal and may result in penalties, fines, product confiscation, and legal consequences for the responsible parties. It can also damage the reputation of the brand and jeopardize consumer safety.
Various products may require registration in Indonesia, including but not limited to pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, cosmetics, medical devices, chemicals, and agricultural products.
Product registration is necessary to ensure that products comply with Indonesian regulations, safety standards, and quality requirements. It also helps protect consumers from potential harm or risks associated with unsafe or substandard products.
The duration of the registration process can vary depending on the type of product, complexity of the application, and regulatory requirements. It may take several months to complete, from the submission of the application to the issuance of the registration certificate.
To ensure compliance with Indonesian regulations, it is advisable to work with experienced regulatory consultants or legal advisors who are familiar with the registration process and requirements. Conducting thorough research and staying updated on regulatory changes is also crucial.
In many cases, having a local representative or authorized agent is required for product registration in Indonesia. They can assist with the application process, liaise with regulatory authorities, and ensure compliance with local regulations.